Moscow Racer: Review

This moment has come. Moscow Racer, The project that had encouraged the eyes of tens of thousands of Russian gamers, finally reached the finish line. Mindful of Lada Racing Club’s grand failure (of course, we are talking about the quality side of the question, she sold it to everyone), the author of the article rubbed his hands in advance and smiled gloatingly, anticipating the opportunity to muffle over the next Russian trash. As it turned out later, the Moscow Racer does not pull. However, the status of “just a decent race” is too far.

They wanted the best, but it turned out ..

Let’s first determine what the race should have in order to be called “decent”. We bend your fingers: a large number of cars and tracks, a worked out physics, a high -quality picture, a stupid AI, a variety of championships. From this list Moscow Racer Only AI and graphics can offer, and even then only to those who have not seen Project Gotham Racing 4 And Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.

For graphic performance, named after the famous engine “Motor” is responsible V12 RG. The most beautiful thing is in Moscow Racer – These are, of course, car models. Well, what, but the creators did not regret the training grounds. Particularly successful reflections that are made no worse Forza Motorsport 2. Thanks to the use of HDR, the sun is beautifully poured with the light of the street and blinds when you fly away sharply because of the turn. But everything else is done on a weak trie. The view from the cab is not impressive, the review is limited, and the interiors (even in expensive supercars) are surprisingly poor. Liquid traffic, declared one hundred cars in the frame, we never saw for the entire game. The study of the drops of rain, hollowing on the windshield, is no good;It is noticeable that they screwed her to a hurry, just “so that there was”. The smoothing works through a stump-column, the eyes are constantly calling “Laedeners”. The authors also did not bother to introduce the damage model, apparently, this should be regarded as some curtsy to the side Gran Turismo (although we are more inclined to ordinary laziness developers). But, despite these annoying omissions, the impressions of the graphics have, in general, the positive. For the Russian game, this is generally extra-class.

Gamed, in fact, as an undertone licked with Need for Speed And Midnight Club. You can either freely travel around the city, or break your way upstairs, competing with other riders. Aimless walks are good only because you can stare plenty of Moscow attractions, which, surprisingly, have been worked out in great detail. During the game, we rolled along the Kremlin embankment, the garden, Rublevka and many other Moscow Interesting-Points. The press release spoke of a territory in detail on the basis of five thousand pictures. Well, it’s hard to disagree with this. Another thing is that the recreated territory, frankly, is very small, and aimless pokatushki get bored, not having time to start properly. The search for all kinds of lanes and detours (of which, it should be noted, inhoil), unlike Burnout Paradise, Also, there is absolutely no interest.

As for the “Career” mode, then everything is also not as rosy as it looked in a wonderful press release. Three leagues are offered to choose from, and in total 9 championships: from the championship of the district, ending with the country’s cup. There is nothing extraordinary here-come the first and second-third, get a n-na number of points, open new championships, get new cars. Complete passage of all competitions will take a maximum of 4-5 hours. There are few modes, and to be precise, then only one – ordinary ring races (we do not take into account free riding). Be in Moscow Racer More cars and tracks, it would not have looked so sorry, but, alas, we are not able to choose any other epithet except “mortal boredom”.

Among the cars presented in the game, you can easily see Ferrari F430, Ford Mustang, Lamborghini Murcielago … only they are called differently. Money for licenses, the developers regretted, and the result is Dodge Viper now called the General Cutler 8.3, Murcielago turned out to be SFARZO V10 AWD, and Ford Mustang evolved in Savage V8 6.0. In total, cars in Moscow Racer only 10 pieces are presented. All cars are divided into 3 classes: Street Car, Sport Car and Gran Turismo. The differences between them are quite noticeable, but declared in a press release 50 parameters taken into account the physical system Physx No mention. From the point of view of realism of management, Moscow Racer No simulator, but quite Arkada, which has not far away from the same Need For Speed: Underground. Machines are reluctant to control, and it is worth, for example, to turn sharply, the transport immediately breaks down into the skid and becomes completely uncontrollable. Of course, over time you can get to this, but for a “realistic simulator” it looks somewhat strange.

AI behaves very aggressively. Opponents are constantly trying to cut, at full speed to fucking behind, or expand you 180 degrees. Such militancy at first amuses, but after half an hour the game begins to press hard on the nerves. However, AI, in general, turned out to be good: he does not make very stupid mistakes, but he also does not shine with a special ingenuity. Another situation with traffic. Oh, this is a real nightmare! It is not known why, city inhabitants are constantly striving to follow you. It looks really very stupid, and it begins to seem that all the drivers of Moscow are actually crazy maniacs-killers.

What really is very annoying in Moscow Racer, So this is an abundance of advertising. The last time we saw such a huge number of different brands, let me remember, in a console action movie The Getaway. But there she was not imposed: you will pass by McDonalds, you will see the Bosch poster, and that’s all, no one forced to stare at them constantly. Here she has a bit of all sides. Advertising is everywhere: in the main menu, on Moscow banners and car coloring. Dozens of most eminent Russian brands – Acer,, maxim will be relentlessly chasing you throughout all races. And when you see the same names for the fiftieth time, there is a desire not only to join, but they no longer see their eyes.

The number of bugs in Moscow Racer exceeds all reasonable limits. From time to time, the game indulges in flights into the operating system, and, always at the most inappropriate points. But the most interesting begins when you want to turn off the main route. In these places, many buildings do not have textures, and they turn into ugly cardboard boxes. In addition, on every corner the tracked invisible walls, which you will often beat with the bumper,. It looks at least archaic;gentlemen developers, well, who is doing this in our time? Shame-gaze. A lot of fun is a lot: try to fly into some wall at a speed of 200 km/h, and your car will turn into a ping-pong ball. The recently published patch corrected something, but, by and large, did not make the weather.

The main menu has a mode called “one -time race”. Perhaps this definition we will summarize our impressions from Moscow Racer: run, make a circle or two along the Rublevsky highway, delete. Murder Need for Speed again did not take place.

Pros: good graphics;detailed streets of Moscow;Energetic soundtrack.
Cons: small number of cars and tracks;many bugs;annoying advertising;Only one type of race;Some promises remained only on paper;In the end – just boring.


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